Melissa Wolf

She’s known as North America’s most published centerfold. She is Melissa Wolf. When Melissa isn’t posing, she’s dancing her way across America. In between, she even finds time to run a fan club (Melissa Wolf Fan Club, 2180 Pleasant Hill Rd., Ste. A-5356, Duluth, GA 30136-4663). Melissa answered some questions for us about her life as an exotic dancer. Q – Melissa, how many magazines and videos have you done? A – It’s hard to keep track of what gets published and where. I have a friend in Houston, I…

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Dixie Evans Interview

Presidents have museums. Rock stars (Elvis, the Beatles) have museums. Even criminals (John Dillinger) have museums. Now strippers, or exotic dancers if you,.,will, have a museum. Called The Burlesque Hall of Fame and Nostalgia Historical Museum, it’s located at 29053 Wild Road, Helendale, California 92342. Dixie Evans, widely known as the Marilyn Monroe of Burlesque, is the President of The Burlesque Hall of Fame. Q – Dixie, was it expensive to get this museum of yours off the ground? Did you have private donations? A – Jenny Lee who started…

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