
Brandon (B.J.) Mendelson Interview Social Media Is Bullshit

Brandon or B.J. Mendelson as his publisher calls him is the author of a book that has caused quite...

Jeff Kass Interview Columbine: A True Crime Story

We’re now a decade past the school shootings at Columbine. Do we really know what happened there on...

Tom Mauser Interview Father of Columbine Victim – Daniel Mauser

On April 20th, 1999, Tom Mauser’s son Daniel was murdered by Columbine High School killers Eric...

Liz Goldwyn Interview Pretty Things, The Last Generation Of American Burlesque Queens

The title of Liz Goldwyn’s book pretty much says it all. She’s written a truly unique account on...

Nancy Rooks Interview Elvis Presley’s cook / maid

Nancy Rooks was hired on at Graceland as Elvis Presley’s cook / maid in May of 1967. She was...

Beth Nimmo Interview Rachel Scott’s Mother

She was where she was supposed to be, but unfortunately that place, Columbine High School, was the...