Adam Lorenzo Author of “All I Need To Know I Learned From My College Bar”

Adam Lorenzo started out as a joke writer selling material to Tina Fey and Jimmy Fallon on Saturday Night Live’s Weekend Update, Jimmy Kimmel, and David Letterman which resulted in his first staff writing job on The Late Late Show with Craig Kilborn which was co-created and executive produced by David Letterman. Adam Lorenzo’s other TV credits include the Emmy-winning “Everybody Loves Raymond” “Are We There Yet” and “Everybody Hates Chris” based on the life of Chris Rock. Adam grew up in Buffalo, New York and graduated from Syracuse University.…

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Jack Cashill interview TWA 800-Behind The Cover Up And Conspiracy.

There is an enduring mystery that surrounds TWA flight 800. On the evening of July 17th 1996 TWA flight 800 took off from JFK Airport in New York. Minutes later it exploded killing all 230 people on board. The government concluded it was a center fuel tank explosion that brought down the plane. Others aren’t so sure about that explanation. One such person is Jack Cashill who has written a book about TWA flight 800 titled “TWA 800: Behind The Cover Up And Conspiracy. Regenry Publishing). Jack Cashill spoke with…

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Dan Moldea Interview

Dan E. Moldea Author of: The Killing of Robert F Kennedy: An Investigation of Motive, Means, and Opportunity. (W. W. Norton and Company, 1995) June 5, 1968, The Ambassador Hotel Room, Los Angeles. Sen. Robert Kennedy gives a victory speech in the hotel’s ballroom after winning the Democratic primary in California. Departing the stage, he leaves through a kitchen pantry where he is shot. The next day he dies. He is 42 years old. Investigative reporter Dan Moldea researched and studied the events surrounding the assassination of Robert Kennedy in…

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Linda Gassenheimer Interview TV and Radio Personality/Syndicated Journalist/Best-Selling Author/Spokesperson and Food Consultant

She holds an advanced Cordon Bleu Degree. She trained with two star chefs in France for three years. She trained with Simone Beck in the South of France and Marcella Hazan in Bologna, Italy. She has 10 years’ experience as Executive Director of a chain of gourmet supermarkets in Miami. She developed and ran Cruisin Ease cooking school in London, England. She is – Linda Gasseheimer Q – How did you get interested in the world of cooking Linda? A – Well, first and foremost I love to eat. Q…

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Jim Farfaglia Interview Nestlé in Fulton, New York: How Sweet It Was

In 1898, Switzerland’s Nestlé Company was searching for a location to build its first milk processing plant in the United States. Upstate New York’s many dairy farms sealed the deal for a factory to be built in Fulton New York. Soon another Swiss company requested space at the factory to produce a product that had taken Europe by storm; the milk chocolate bar. Over the next century, factory technicians invented treats we’ve all come to know and love including the Nestlé Crunch Bar, Tollhouse Morsels in Nestlé Quick. With 1500…

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Joe Nickell Interview Author of Secrets of the Sideshows

He’s a former professional stage magician, a resident magician to be exact at the Houdini Magical Hall of Fame, a carnival pitchman, including on the famous carnival midway at the Canadian National Exhibition, an advertising writer, armed guard, movie extra, forensic writer, blackjack dealer, riverboat manager, forklift driver, sign painter and university writing instructor. He’s appeared on “Dateline NBC”, “20/20”, “The Oprah Winfrey Show”, and “Larry King Live”. His name is Joe Nickell and we’ll be talking to him about a book he’s written titled “Secrets of the Sideshows” (The…

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Matthew Lysiak Interview Newtown: an American tragedy

Matthew Lysiak knows about American tragedies. He’s covered the Aurora Theatre shooting, Tucson shooter Jared Loughner, Fort Hood Army Psychiatrist Nidal Malik Hasan and now Adam Lanza. Matthew Lysiak has written a book on the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting titled Newtown: an American tragedy (Gallery Books). Q – I saw you being interviewed on HLN and it was said that you had access to emails sent by Adam Lanza’s mother. That information must have come from the police didn’t it? A – I can’t talk about the source on…

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Brandon (B.J.) Mendelson Interview Social Media Is Bullshit

Brandon or B.J. Mendelson as his publisher calls him is the author of a book that has caused quite a stir. That book is called Social Media Is Bullshit. We talked with Brandon about his controversial and the reaction to it. Q –   I hear people say all the time, please like us on Facebook. What does that mean? So somebody likes you on Facebook, so what? A – It doesn’t mean anything. That’s the whole thing. It’s kind of a useless metric. A lot of people don’t realize Facebook…

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Jeff Kass Interview Columbine: A True Crime Story

We’re now a decade past the school shootings at Columbine. Do we really know what happened there on April 20th, 1999? Who’s at fault? Is there an explanation? One man who would know, who should know is Jeff Kass. Jeff is the author of the book Columbine: A True Crime Story. Q – Jeff I would say you probably had a hometown advantage because you were working for a newspaper not far from where Columbine was located. So, you had the time to maybe dig a little deeper than most…

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Tom Mauser Interview Father of Columbine Victim – Daniel Mauser

On April 20th, 1999, Tom Mauser’s son Daniel was murdered by Columbine High School killers Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold. Mr. Mauser hosts a website about his son at: We spoke with Tom Mauser about his son, that awful day in April of 1999 at Columbine, and what he’s doing with his life these days. Q – Mr. Mauser, as I understand it, you’ve written a book or are writing a book about the Columbine tragedy. Have you found a publisher for that book and when will it be…

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