We’re now a decade past the school shootings at Columbine. Do we really know what happened there on April 20th, 1999? Who’s at fault? Is there an explanation? One man who would know, who should know is Jeff Kass. Jeff is the author of the book Columbine: A True Crime Story. Q – Jeff I would say you probably had a hometown advantage because you were working for a newspaper not far from where Columbine was located. So, you had the time to maybe dig a little deeper than most…
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Tom Mauser Interview Father of Columbine Victim – Daniel Mauser
On April 20th, 1999, Tom Mauser’s son Daniel was murdered by Columbine High School killers Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold. Mr. Mauser hosts a website about his son at: www.danielmauser.com We spoke with Tom Mauser about his son, that awful day in April of 1999 at Columbine, and what he’s doing with his life these days. Q – Mr. Mauser, as I understand it, you’ve written a book or are writing a book about the Columbine tragedy. Have you found a publisher for that book and when will it be…
Read MoreLiz Goldwyn Interview Pretty Things, The Last Generation Of American Burlesque Queens
The title of Liz Goldwyn’s book pretty much says it all. She’s written a truly unique account on the history of Burlesque. Q – Liz, this is some book you’ve put together! I’ve never seen anything like it before. A – Thank-you. Q – How did you manage to get the cooperation of as many dancers as you did? A – I started writing personal letters to the dancers who wore the costumes I was collecting, and in general, was pen pals for up to a year before I met…
Read MoreNancy Rooks Interview Elvis Presley’s cook / maid
Nancy Rooks was hired on at Graceland as Elvis Presley’s cook / maid in May of 1967. She was there at Graceland on that awful day of August 16th 1977 (the day Elvis died) and continued working at Graceland after Elvis’ death. Nancy is the co-author of the book The Presley Family Cookbook (Wimmer Books) and the author of the book Inside Graceland (Xlibris Books). What was it like to work inside Graceland on a daily basis? What was it like to have Elvis Presley as your boss? We’ll let…
Read MoreBeth Nimmo Interview Rachel Scott’s Mother
She was where she was supposed to be, but unfortunately that place, Columbine High School, was the wrong place to be on April 20th 1999, and she ended up paying the ultimate price for it. Rachel Scott was the first person murdered by Columbine Killers Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold. Rachel Scott was 17 years old. It should be noted that more people watched Rachel Scott’s funeral on CNN than watched the funeral of Princess Diana. Rachel’s mother, Beth Nimmo and father Darrell Scott have written a book about their…
Read MoreFrank Stefanko Interview
Frank Stefanko calls Bruce Springsteen his friend. Frank’s photographs appear on the cover of Springsteen’s albums “Darkness On The Edge Of Town” and “The River”, as well as in the packages of “Springsteen’s Greatest Hits Live 1975-1985”. Frank is the author of the book Days Of Hope And Dreams, An Intimate Portrait of Bruce Springsteen. Frank talked with us about his book and friendship with Bruce Springsteen. Q – Frank, I found the title of your book to be rather interesting and revealing. I’ll explain. You title the book “Days…
Read MoreThurston Clarke Interview R.F.K.
Thurston Clarke has written what can only be termed as the definitive account of Robert Kennedy’s 1968 Presidential campaign. His book is titled The Last Campaign: Robert F. Kennedy And 82 Days That Inspired America (Henry Holt). Mr. Clarke talked to us about his book. Q – Mr. Clarke, the title of you book is “The Last Campaign”. A – Yeah. Q – Vanity Fair (Magazine) titles the excerpts from your book, “The Last Good Campaign”. A – Right. Q – Why do you think they put good in there?…
Read MoreDana McCauley Interview Author Of “Last Dinner On The Titanic”
There have been a number of books written on the Titanic. None more interesting though than “Last Dinner On The Titanic” by Dana McCauley and Rick Archbold. “Last Dinner On The Titanic” tells the reader exactly what it was like to dine aboard the ship. Q – Dana, both you and Rick Archbold contributed to this book. What was your contribution? What was his? A – Rick is trained as a writer and—–he’s an editor. He has written other books about the Titanic including ‘Discovery Of The Titanic’ with Robert…
Read MoreAlf Bicknell Interview
In those early years of Beatlemania, no one was closer to the Beatles than Alf Bicknell. Alf Bicknell was the chauffeur to the Beatles, from 1964 to 1966. He traveled the world with the Beatles and shared private times with the group in recording studios, hotels, and planes. Now, for the record, Alf has put his story down on paper, along with a special edition video, titled “Alf Bicknell’s Personal Beatles Diary” (1996). You can forget all the other Beatle books. Alf Bicknell has the inside track because he was…
Read MoreChris Lendt Interview Kiss and Sell: The Making of A Supergroup
They’ve certainly been one of Rock’s most outrageous acts, and climbed to the Top of the charts along the way. Kiss has sold close to one Billion Dollars in records, concert tickets, and merchandise in their career. Chris Lendt was Vice-President of Glickman-Marks Management, business managers for Kiss, Diana Ross, and The Isley Brothers. He traveled around the world with Kiss, handling their business and financial affairs and attending mearly 800 concerts in 25 countries. Chris has written an inside look at Kiss, in his book, “Kiss and Sell, The…
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