Mia Sebastiani Interview Mia’s Kitchen

There’s a new player in the ever-growing product line of pasta sauce. Her name is Mia Sebastiani , who sells her pasta sauce under the name Mia’s kitchen. Q – Mia, I became aware of your sauce when I saw it on the shelf of Price Chopper supermarket. Have you heard of that supermarket chain? A – Yes I’ve heard much about Price Chopper. Q – Your sauce was selling for $7.99 a bottle making it the most expensive pasta sauce in the store. That’s more than Ragu and Patsy’s,…

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Nat Getchell Interview Portland Pie Co.

When you’re recognized as one of the best pizza restaurants in the United States, you know you have something special to offer. And Portland Pie Co.  has something special to offer. Owner Nat Getchell spoke with us about his business. Q – Nat, since Parade Magazine spotlighted your restaurant, how has that impacted business? A – Our numbers are up. We do pretty extensive marketing and advertising. We have 5 restaurants, 2 in New Hampshire and 3 in Maine. So, there’s a variety of reasons why are sales are up.…

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Anthony Pazos Interview Celebrity Hairstylist

He just happens to be “the hottest” hairstylist in all of Beverly Hills. Not only does he have an impressive client list but he’s about to launch his own line of hair-styling products. Anthony Pazos is the man we are talking about and we spoke with Anthony about all things Hair. Q – Anthony, you’ve been described as someone who has a quick wit and a sharp tongue. Now, how does that work in your favor? If you were quiet when you were cutting someone’s hair would that make a…

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Michael Hilby Interview The Skinny German Juggling Boy

Michael Hilby (The Skinny German Juggling Boy) He’s been described as “Poetry in Motion” and a man who turns heads with his unicycle performance and jaw dropping juggling skills. He is – Michael Hilby, The Skinny German Juggling Boy. Q – You were at the New York State Fair this Summer (2012). Do you typically perform at Fairs? A – Well, I do quite a few Fairs. I do about 60 days a year at Fairs and you won’t see an act like mine at Fairs. That said, there’s 4,800…

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