Scott Conerly Interview Vice-President Of Marketing For Wild Mike’s Ultimate Pizza

You’ve no doubt seen the colorful pizza boxes of this co. in the frozen Pizza section of your favorite supermarket. And maybe you’ve thought what’s this all about? Well, we spoke to Scott Conerly who just happens to be the Vice-President of Marketing for Wild Mike’s Ultimate Pizza about the history of the co. and what goes into the promotion of Wild Mike’s. Q – Scott , what exactly are your job duties? Do you go out in the field to see how the pizzas are being displayed in the…

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Francesco Marra Co-Founder Of The Pizza University And Culinary Arts

The Pizza University was started to fill the need for skilled pizza makers and professional chefs in the restaurant industry. They also train people who want to pursue a career in pizza making. So, who better to speak with about everything pizza than the Co-Founder of the Pizza University-Mr. Francesco Marra Q – McDonald’s has a Hamburger School. So, I guess it was only a matter of time before a Pizza University was founded. Correct me if I am wrong, but haven’t pizza sales surpassed hamburger sales these days? A…

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Jim Cousin General Manager Bernatello’s

Bernatello’s began as a tavern pizza establishment in Annandale, Minnesota in 1982. Today, they are one of the biggest pizza makers around. To explain how that happened we talked to Bernatello’s General Manager, Mr. Jim Cousin. Q – Jim, as the General Manager of Bernatello’s, what does that job entail? A – I get involved with a lot of different things. Primarily, our corporate offices here in Maple Lake is our production facility. Not to confuse our complicate things, but, we did pick up another co. in January of this…

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Bryan Huntley Interview Peerless Ovens

They have been manufacturing quality cooking equipment for over 100 years now and made in the USA! You can find their ovens in pizzerias, food trucks, bars, convenience stores, entertainment centers, amusement parks, bowling alleys, Mexican restaurants, bakeries, breweries, wineries, and well, just about everywhere. Representing the company we are speaking of is Mr. Bryan Huntley of Peerless Ovens Q – Bryan, I looked at the history of Peerless Ovens. That’s some history! A fourth-generation business. Now, how much competition do you have? A – Oh, I mean there’s a…

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Justin Joseph Tomasino of Milano’s Cheese

Salad with Feta Cheese

Milano’s Cheese is a family owned and operated cheese making business that has been around for over 39 years now. At the helm of Milano’s Cheese is Justin Joseph Tomasino who serves as the company’s Executive Director. We spoke with Justin about the company he leads. Q – Milano’s cheese has been around for close to four decades now. What were you doing before you became part of the company? A – So, I’m third-generation family. My prior roles were simple, busing tables, waiting on tables, starter roles until I…

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Allen Kieny Director of sales Roto Flex Oven Company

It is truly revolutionary what the Roto Flex Oven has done for the Pizza business. Just consider: you can cook 24 18 inch pizzas at one time in the Roto Flex Oven; the interior is lit and with the glass doors you can watch your pizzas without opening the doors!! The Roto Flex Ovens allow the heat to stay inside. Simply put, there is nothing like the Roto Flex Oven in today’s marketplace. With that in mind we spoke with the Director of Sales for the Roto Flex Oven Company-Mr.…

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Patty Phillips Founder / President of Patty’s Pizza

She opened her first take and bake pizza restaurant in Beverly Hills in 1988. Her dedication to pizza was such that she was nominated for the U.S. Small Business Administration Person Of The Year. These days she’s no longer in the store or restaurant end of the pizza business. She’s now a wholesale manufacturer. The person we are talking about is Patty Phillips, the Founder and President of Patty’s Pizza. Patty spoke with us about her background and how she got involved into the pizza business. Q – Patty, if…

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Keith Seiz Lloyd Pans

They make pans for pizzerias all over the world including all of the top 10 pizza chains. Based out of Spokane, Washington, Keith Seiz, spokesman for Lloyd Pans talked with us about a very unique company in the Pizza Business. Q – Keith, for starters what is your position with Lloyd Pans? A – My position at Lloyd Pans is I’ve been working with them for 11 years basically bringing their pans to pizzerias and restaurants around the world. So, we’re a marketing agency, but a little more than a…

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Jeffrey Strah Miyoko’s

In the Pizza World a company by the name of Miyoko’s is on the verge of changing the way pizza is made. Their product is called Liquid Vegan Pizza Mozzarella. We spoke with Miyoko’s representative Jeffrey Strah about their revolutionary product. Q – Jeff, I see under your name, the National Director of Culinary and Industrial Sales. Is that the same thing as saying you’re the Director of Marketing? A – No. We have a Vice President of Marketing. She’s the head of it. There’s not too many people in…

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Scott Wiener Interview Scott’s Pizza Tours

Scott Wiener took his love of pizza and turned it into a business. He takes people around New York City and shows them the best that New York has to offer in the way of pizza’s. When he’s not conducting pizza tours Scott Wiener writes an award-winning column for Pizza Today Magazine contributes to P M Q’s Pizza Magazine and and judges pizza culinary competitions around the globe. He’s been featured on CBS Sunday Morning. The Dr. Oz Show, the Travel Channel, Cooking Channel, Food Network, Discovery Channel, the…

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