Alex Thornton Interview Flower Power Beer

It’s a beer with the name that is sure to take you back in time. It’s a beer that Food And Wine Magazine named as “One of the most important craft beers ever brewed”. The beer we are speaking of is “Flower Power Beer”. Produced by the Ithaca Beer Company, we spoke with company representative Mr. Alex Thornton about “Flower Power Beer”. Q – Alex, you’re the Marketing and Event’s Manager for Ithaca Beer Co. What does that job entail? Do you plan outdoor gatherings with musical entertainment so people…

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Steve Barkate Interview Pale Rider Ale Clint Eastwood’s Beer

You just knew it would happen. Clint Eastwood has his own beer. Called Pale Rider Ale (named after his famous 1985 western Pale Rider). Mr. Eastwood has become the first celebrity to create a specialty beer to benefit charity. Proceeds from Pale Rider Ale sales will be donated to his favorite charities around the country including the Carmel Youth Center (Carmel, California) and the Monterey Peninsula Boys and Girls Club. We talked with Steve Barkate Vice-President of sales and marketing for Celis Brewery in Austin, Texas (the brewer of Pale…

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