Mark Crouch Interview (Kennedy Assassination Researcher)

Dateline: Dallas Texas November 22, 1963 Did the secret service lose an agent that day? We know that on Friday, November 22, 1963 both President John F Kennedy and Officer J. D. Tippit were killed in Dallas, Texas. What has long been rumored but never substantiated is the murder of a Secret Service agent that same day in Dallas. Now, new information has come forth that suggests a Secret Service agent may, and we stress the word may, have been killed. Mark Crouch is a writer, radio station owner and…

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Mark Nell Interview (Who murdered Jacqueline Saunders and Mary Anne Marzullo?)

A Syracuse Mystery Who murdered Jacqueline Saunders and Mary Anne Marzullo? It’s a story that was picked up by the wire services coast-to-coast. Two 14-year-old girls, Jacqueline Saunders and Mary Anne Marzullo attended The Fireman’s Field Days in Mattydale, New York. It was Friday, August 11th, 1967. At 10:30 PM or there abouts they called home to say they were leaving the Field Days for home. They never arrived. They were last seen walking on Route 11, North Syracuse, New York and then they just disappeared. The next morning their…

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Jay Johnson Interview (Sandy Hook Elementary School Shooting: Was It a Hoax?)

A popular saying in the 1960’s was “Question Authority”. You were considered radical and a “nutcase” if you did. Fast forward to 2012, December 14th 2012 to be exact, the school shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut. Jay Johnson, questions the reporting of the shooting at that school. He is considered a “radical”. Some things never change. Q – Jay, I first heard about your website and the fact that people think the Sandy Hook shooting was a hoax on CNN, a 10 minute segment by Anderson…

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Janine Vaccarello Interview (Co-Founder of the Natalee Holloway Resource Center)

 On June 8th 2010, the Natalee Holloway Resource Center opened it’s doors in Washington, D.C. What is the Natalee Holloway Resource Center? What will their mission be? We asked those questions and more to the Co-Founder of the Natalee Holloway Resource Center – Janine Vaccarello. Q – Janine, as the co-founder of the Natalee Holloway Resource Center what are your job duties? Are you doing more of the hands on, day to day work or administration work? A – Actually for this, I’m doing a little bit of both,…

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Judge Larry Seidlin Interview (The Killing of Anna Nicole Smith)

She was called the “Marilyn Monroe of her generation” and like Marilyn Monroe she too met an untimely death that remains shrouded in mystery to this day. We are speaking of course about Anna Nicole Smith. Was Anna Nicole Smith murdered? Or did she commit suicide? If she died from a drug overdose, was it accidental or intentional? And, what about Anna Nicole’s 20 year old son, who did not have a drug problem but strangely enough, died just a few months before from a methadone overdose. Was Daniel murdered?…

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Mark Nesbitt Interview (The Ghosts Of Gettysburg)

It’s been called the most haunted city in the United States. That’s probably because of the Civil War Battle that raged on the fields of Gettysburg in 1863. One man who knows more about the Gettysburg hauntings than anyone else is Mark Nesbitt. He’s lived in Gettysburg since 1971. He’s served as a Ranger/Historian for the National Park Service in Gettysburg, he’s written many books on the subject of paranormal goings on in Gettysburg and his Ghosts of Gettysburg stories have been seen on channels like the History Channel, The…

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Who Killed Superman? The Jim Hambrick Interview

George Reeves

He was T.V.’s Superman from 1950-1956. 104 episodes. Then, in the early morning hours of June 16, 1959, just 2 days before his upcoming marriage to Lenore Lemmon, he was dead. The “official” story was that 45 year old actor George Reeves put a gun to his head and committed suicide. Almost from the beginning, rumors persisted that Reeves did not take his own life — but was murdered. A victim of a real life “Fatal Attraction” said his personal manager Arthur Weissman. Jim Hambrick, a Superman collector (his collection…

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The Roswell Incident

The Roswell Incident. If s the most widely reported, most publicized U.F.O. story of all time. The story goes that between 11:17 p.m. and 11:27 p.m. on July 4, 1947 an extraterrestrial space­craft, a U.F.O., crashed near Roswell, New Mexico. Researchers claim there are witnesses (more than 400) in at least five or six separate locations that saw an object in the air and then saw it fall from the sky. The U.S. Government maintains it was not a U.F.O. but a weather balloon. Walter G. Haut was the Public…

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Bobby Kennedy Remembered : The Warren Rogers Interview

Warren Rogers was a close personal friend of Robert F. Kennedy who was a frequent guest at Hickory Hill—–the home of Robert and Ethel Kennedy. He traveled with the Senator in his bid for the Presidency in 1968, was in the kitchen of the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles when Robert Kennedy was shot, and took him to the hospital in an ambulance with Ethel. “When I Think of Bobby” (Harper/Collins Books) is Warren Rogers’s personal memoir of Senator Robert F. Kennedy. Hear Gary James speak with Warren Rogers. Q…

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The Mystery of John Wilkes Booth (Lincoln’s Assassin) : The Virginia Kline Interview

History tells us that Abraham Lincoln’s assassin, John Wilkes Booth, a 26-year-old nationally known actor was trapped and killed in a barn in Virginia, 11 days after President Lincoln was assassinated. History is about to be challenged, and here’s why: There are some who say it was not Booth who was killed in that barn, it was actually Franklin A. Robey. Witnesses at the scene describe the man shot as having red or sandy hair. Booth’s hair was black. The body’s face was freckled. Booth had no freckles. The body…

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