Roger Peltz & Roger Behr Interview Roger & Roger

Two of the zaniest guys in the business of making people laugh, are Roger Peltz and Roger Behr. They are known as Roger and Roger.
Material is never a problem, since they can draw from some one hundred celebrity impressions.
We spoke with this very funny duo at the Riviera Hotel in Las Vegas, where they’re co-starring with Tony Orlando.

Q – When you left your hometown of Charlotte, North Carolina, were you afraid of the competition you’d encounter in Los Angeles?
Peltz – No. We knew there was not a whole lot of comedy teams around at the time. We had a oneness, a uniqueness about us. The competition is outweighed by the fact that L.A. is where you go to make it.

Q – I don’t understand why you can’t have your names on the marquee when you’re performing with Diana Ross.
Behr – She would never give us that. We do get our names on the handbill. There’s a few performers around like that – Tom Jones, Cher…

Q – How many shows do you perform a night, when in Vegas?
Peltz – Usually two thirty-minute shows. We’ve done as much as forty-five minutes. In Detroit recently, we did an hour and fifteen minutes. The show was less hurried and without that sledge hammer type ap­proach.

Q – Roger Behr – you’ve held quite a few jobs, would you agree that what you’re doing now is the best?
Behr – I always wanted to be in show biz when I was younger but I wasn’t ready emotionally to go after it.

Q – Does it ever make you sad when you do a character impression of someone like Freddie Prinze or Jim Croce?
Peltz – No, not really. We never knew them personally. It’s really a form of rejoicing in their memory. We handle Croce very delicately. In fact, we end our show on his song, “I’ll Have To Love You In A Song.”

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