Audra Lindley Interview

She’s a star of stage, screen and t.v. She’s recently starred in motion pictures with Burt Reynolds and Goldie Hawn (“Best Friends”) and Nick Nolte and Debra Winger (“Cannery Row”).

You may recall seeing Audra Lindley on ABC’s “Three’s Company” t.v. series where she portrayed Helen Roper which led to her own show—–“The Ropers”. She’s also been something of a regular on t.v.’s “Love boat”. Through the years, Audra Lindley has worked with such greats as John Barrymore, Edward G. Robinson, George Raft, Marlene Dictrich and Caesar Romero.

Q – What’s it like working with Burt Reynolds and Goldie Hawn?
A – It couldn’t have been better. Burt Reynolds was a doll. He’s such a lovely person. He’s totally unassuming and natural. There’s no self-consciousness about being a superstar. He’s just a nice, nice human being. Goldie is a doll. Everybody who worked on the film commented how it’s the best company they’ve ever worked with. There’s not a sour apple in the barrel. Goldie and Burt are just dear people.

Q – There’s less movie starts this year (1982) than last. How tough is it for an actor in Hollywood these days?
A – Everybody I know is out of work. There’s no television this time of year unless you get a movie of the week or something. All of the series shut down until July.

Q – Have women’s roles in movies been getting better?
A – I was given a role in ‘Best Friends’ that I was surprised that Norman Jewison (Producer/Director) let me play. I had to wear a white wig, butterfly glasses. It’s a real character role. The part I got in ‘Cannery Row’ was totally different. I play a very famous John Steinbeck character.

Q – Are there any roles you’d like to play, but maybe they’re not being offered to you?
A – I keep going from one thing to another pretty much. I’m pretty happy with the roles I play because usually they’re quite different from each other. If they were the same, I’d get bored. I like to play really far out character parts. I would get pretty bored playing Mrs. Housewife or always a mother type. It has to be an interesting character and a well-written script. That’s my only requirements. If it’s dull—–forget it. I get so bored. I have a very low thresh hold for boredom. I get really weary of playing dull parts, so, I just don’t accept them anymore.

Q – What’s the difference between a producer and an executive producer?
A – The executive producer doesn’t do anything. The producer, often called the line producer does all the work.

Q – Has a made-for-t.v. movie ever helped launch a career in movies for someone?
A – Certainly it did for Nick Nolte, Peter Strauss, lots of people. I think it’s more important to be in a t.v. movie than a feature film unless that feature film turns out to be a hit. At least if you’re in a t.v. movie everybody will see you.

Q – I understand you’re going to Europe?
A – Yeah, I went to Russia on one of those trips where they have a delegation of artists from the United States to meet the artists of the Soviet Union. And now, they’re doing it in East Germany. They have something here called The Society For Cultural Relations. I guess what they try to do is keep contact with Western countries through their friendship societies over there. They have 72 countries involved in some kind of cultural exchange. It’s very interesting I must say.

Q – Everyone seems to think the job of an actress is so glamorous, going to movie premieres, working with other celebrated performers, seeing your name in lights, but, what about the other side of the spotlight? What’s that like?
A – You get up at 4:30 in the morning to be in make-up at 6. Sometimes you get home by 8:00 at night. You barely have time to get a bath and have a bite to eat if you’re not too tired. The next morning it’s back up in make-up. It’s very, very long hours. The stages are the same they used way back in the Thirties. There’s nothing glamorous about them. I can say that working as an actor in whatever medium is more fun than you could possibly have doing anything else. I just don’t believe anybody has as much fun. It’s great, great fun. I feel so lucky to be an actor.

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